Yagnik Patel

Yagnik Patel

Hi there! I am a second-year undergraduate studying computer science and a self-taught web developer. Being a computer engineer, I want to be really good at solving problems.

I spend most of my time in front of my laptop—surfing the internet, reading articles, watching tutorials, and coding intriguing projects.

I'm always eager to connect with fellow tech enthusiasts and create meaningful experiences together. Hackathons and tech events are exciting opportunities I look forward to—they're fantastic for meeting incredible individuals and building valuable networks.

I've completed a few freelance jobs on Upwork, and I'm considering taking on more projects.


  • computer (duh!)
  • web tech
  • AI/ML (low-key)
  • design pattern
  • UI micro interactions


  • I’m introvert.
  • I love playing sports. I'm a pro hooper—or at least I was when I used to play regularly.
  • I'm super into video games, but I've got it under control.