Some projects that are awesome?

Real World Works

Keyboard Shop

Keyboard Shop


A keyboard and accessories store built with SvelteKit. It simulates real-world features such as product ordering and cart management. On the admin level, it offers functionalities like product catalog management integrated with Stripe and order management.




HiGrow is platform where our aim is to help empowering minds worldwide to Learn, compete, and grow together by workshops and contests!


PvP Rock Paper Scissors

PvP Rock Paper Scissors


A multiplayer online game developed using Deno KV and Socket.IO

Social Media App

Social Media App


A social media app clone having basic features similar to Instagram.

Web Apps (PWA)



SvelteKitTailWind CSS

A manga reader app where you'll find whatever manga you wanna read.

Static Sites

PS5 Home Screen

PS5 Home Screen

ReactFramer Motion

A clone of PS5 home screen with same layout animations.

Animation Galary

Animation Galary

ReactFramer Motion

A single page image gallery site with awesome animations.

Japanese Art

Japanese Art

AstroGSAPTailWind CSS

A static page website with awesome animations.

Lego One

Lego One

NextjsTailWind CSS

A landing page for real estate ecommerce website with somewhat good design.